Jr. Eagles Wrestling Leagues

The Morris Knolls Jr. Eagles participate in several leagues.  Below is a description of each league and links to their websites.  There you will find information on the bi-laws, rosters etc. of each league.

Novice/KOM: Consist of first year and second year wrestlers. Wrestlers will be taught basic moves of wrestling and will particpate in wrestling "jamborees". All wrestlers in the program will wrestle in matches based on their age and approximate weight. Coaches do their best to ensure 2 or more matches during a jamboree.   There are several other recreational programs that participate in this league, so there will be plenty of wrestling!  Score and time are NOT KEPT during the matches.

Future Stars: Consist of wrestlers with over 2 years of experience. Future Stars is a step up from KOM. This setup is to ensure a wrestler gains experience in a match(es) where TIME AND SCORE IS kept. There may be opportunities to wrestle more then one match, but depends on the weights available from the other programs. 

Competitive Leagues: Consist of wrestlers who have 3 or more years of wrestling under their belt. The higher competition leagues are North West NJ (K-6), North New Jersey (k-8) and TriCounty (k-8). To make the TriCounty team, wrestlers will have a "wrestle off" for their weight class spot. These leagues have very specific bi-laws. Wrestlers ARE WEIGHED and are expected to be ON OR BELOW their weight class the day they wrestle. Failure to make weight (for NW, NNJ and TC) will result in a forfeit. A team score is kept for our program.

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